
Proven link between literacy and personality traits

Have you noticed how people react when they see an “emergency exit” sign on the door? A substitute can only be a variant or a player, and the exit is always a “spare”. At the same time, many, passing next to this door every day, absolutely do not pay attention to the inscription.

American scientists from the University of Michigan conducted a series of experiments and came to the conclusion that a person’s reaction to grammatical errors in someone else’s speech and writing depends and hindi to english translation on the type of personality.

The study was conducted by psychologist Julie Boland and her colleague Robin Queen. The participants were tasked to study other people’s ads and choose a candidate for the role of a flatmate. One part of the ads was composed and written correctly, the other intentionally contained grammatical inaccuracies or typos. The mistakes were both gross and harmless – in the form of omissions of letters or their substitution. For example, “to raed” instead of “to read”.

Before the study, the participants were assessed such personality traits as intelligence, conflict, emotional lability, conscientiousness, as well as extraversion – the depth of the personality’s orientation inward or outward. A special questionnaire determined the level of friendliness of each volunteer.

After the end of the experiment, the researchers asked the participants if they noticed any flaws in the proposed texts, and if so, which ones.

Psychologists’ conclusions showed that texts with errors, in general, made the worst impression on readers, created an unattractive image of their authors. Surprisingly, simple typos were perceived more negatively than outright mistakes.

At the same time, the reaction to other people’s flaws in different people differed significantly. It turned out that sociable and friendly people are less likely to pay attention to the mistakes of others. Even if they notice mistakes, they treat them condescendingly. While introverted, self-oriented individuals tend to criticize illiteracy and judge people by their mistakes. Introverts were more sensitive to typos, while extroverts were more likely to pay attention to grammar.

Woman talking with alphabet letters coming out of her mouth. Communication, information, intelligence concept

Interestingly, during the experiment, a direct connection between education, age, love of reading or gadgets with a reaction to illiteracy was not established.

According to psychologists, people who do not notice the mistakes of others are distinguished by an open character, generosity, mercy and are very disposed to themselves. Such people do not get hung up on formalities and simply ignore the mistakes of the interlocutors. Those who notice the mistakes of others are obsessed with literacy and are characterized as cold, hostile, not pleasant people. They have a negative attitude towards the illiteracy of other people and openly point out to them their shortcomings.

The authors of the experiment prove that the nature of a person affects not only the linguistic abilities of a person, but also how he himself perceives the speech of others.

How do you react to illiteracy? Do you say to your opponents “there is no word to lay down” or “not to put on, but to put on”. The next time you want to point out their missteps to others, remember that your reaction can tell a lot about you to your interlocutor.