
How to properly translate corporate video for foreign partners

Corporate video translation: problems, features, where to start
Companies that focus on foreign markets in their work often face the need to translate their corporate video presentations, promo videos and other advertising and PR-products. In this case, the translation of a video into another language implies the adaptation of the product to the perception of a person of a different nationality and cultural tradition, that is, in some cases, its complete or significant alteration. This process is called localization, and it has a number of characteristic features.

Differences between video localization and translation. Goals and features of such adaptation
Video translation is the transformation of the original text into text in the viewer’s native language. Obviously, when distributing corporate video (regardless of its type), this is not enough to achieve the goals pursued by the company (concluding a partnership contract, entering new sales markets, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to adapt the video product not only to another language, but also to the cultural environment.

Localization involves many stages of working with a ready-made corporate video, from overlaying subtitles in the desired language, ending with a complete re-recording of the audio track and adjusting (that is, reworking) the video sequence for new dubbing.

Localization of corporate video, and not just an interlinear translation of an audio track, will allow you to bring the main idea or a unique selling proposition to your foreign partners in a high-quality manner. It is extremely important to speak the same language with colleagues or clients, only in this case your cooperation will be productive and will help all its parties get what they want and achieve the desired results.